Manage Versions - General Tab
This tab is used to manage general information about budget versions, including Employer Benefits, Total Expenses, and Communication Log.
- The
following fields are automatically populated and read-only:
- Account Group
- Status indicates if this version has been posted to Fund Management
- DPI Status indicates if this version has been submitted to DPI, and if DPI has Approved, Substantially Approved, Denied, or Not Funded this budget/amendment
- Fiscal Year
- Version #
- Version Type
- Amendment #
- Dates Started
- Created By
- Submitted By
Check the Change to Plan Narrative box, if needed. This is only required for Fund 3.
- Version Description is automatically filled based on what was entered on the Create New Version form but can be updated.
- Enter
the indirect cost percentage in the Indirect
Cost % field.
- For Fund 3, the Indirect Cost % cannot exceed DPIs allowable percentage for the PRC you selected.
- Enter
the administrative percentage in the Administrative
% field.
- For Fund 3, the Administrative % is automatically populated with DPI's percentage and cannot be changed.
- Click the button.
Employer Benefits Tab
This tab displays the benefits for the selected version.
Enter the amount in the Salary % field or the Month Amt field for the Health, Retirement, and Social Security benefits. The benefits that display here may differ based on the benefits set up in Setup.
The Expense Code field is defaulted from Employer Benefits, but the user can override it, as needed. This template will be applied to the salary account when generating benefit information in Manage Employee Expenses.
- Click the button.
Total Expenses Tab
This tab displays all expense accounts for a budget/amendment in numerical order, including the total amount for that expense account. A grand total of all expense accounts is also displayed here. This is a read-only screen.
Communication Log Tab
This tab displays the DPI communication log and is read only. The log is updated upon import/update of DPI information.
NOTE: The Communication Log is currently only used for Federal Funds. Communication Log files will only be eligible for import for 30 days from the date DPI updates the Status. Remember to check the Communication Log files frequently!
Notes on DPI Status
The DPI Status field will reflect the current status of your budget version at DPI.
- Open - Budget has not been submitted to DPI
- Submitted - Budget has been submitted to DPI
- Approved As Is - Good to go
- Substantially Approved - Budget is approved, but DPI has requested additional information. Please check the Communication Log.
- Not Funded - Budget was not funded by DPI
- Denied - You will need to edit this version and resubmit to DPI
Notes on Amendments
Amendments are created using the Duplicate button. Amendments can only be created if the DPI status is Approved As Is or Substantially Approved for Fund 3. For all other funds, Amendments are created if the overall Status is 'Posted'.
The Amendment # will be populated when the amendment is submitted to DPI. It will use the next sequential amendment number for this version.
You cannot have more than one amendment open per version.
In Manage Employee Expenses and Manage Non-Employee Expenses, accounts cannot be deleted from an amendment. If an account is no longer needed in the budget, or is no longer active, the amounts must be zeroed out on the record.
Change Justifications are required in Manage Employee Expenses and Manage Non-Employee Expenses anytime an amount is changed on an account code during an amendment.
©2021 | EMS LINQ, Inc.
School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021